Cabinet Meeting
February 26, 2018, 8:00pm
Conference Call
Present: Brian Cudiamat (President), Matt Isoda (Vice President), Stephen Paige (Treasurer), Carlo Ordoñez (Secretary), Leyonna Barba, Mark Czynski, Christina Fabian, Theresa Geiger, Karin Han (8:35 PM), Jasmine Kwasa (8:12 PM), Zouyan Lu, Allison Rodriguez, Sarah Song (excused), Cathe Stieg (8:11 PM)
I. Call to Order (Cudiamat/Ordoñez) - Meeting called to order at 8:04 PM
II. Secretary’s Report/Remarks (Ordoñez) – Mark motions, Stephen seconds – All ayes, no nays.
III. President’s Report/Remarks (Cudiamat) – No major updates since last meeting.
IV. Vice President Report/Remarks (Isoda)
V. Treasurer’s Report/Remarks (Paige)
a. Organization’s Non-Profit Status – The vote to become a non-profit did pass, but recent events in Development have paused our efforts for now. (See below.)
b. IMSA Development Leadership Changes – Barbara Graham was director of Development, will depart Wednesday 1 March 2018. Jose Torres will continue as Interim Director of Development, but due to this, we will postpone registering as a non-profit. With some input from Tami Armstrong in the Office of Public Affairs, we will wait until the new Director of Development is in place so we can coordinate with them.
VI. Liaison Report (Stieg) –
Aside from updates with Development, no major news. Reunion planning is going, and artwork for a Save the Date will be updated this week.
Some ideas have been going forward regarding Preview Day and alumni involvement will be. This will necessitate a future conversation, but at this point in time, more information is needed from OPA.
VII. IMSA Alumni Facebook Committee (Geiger)
a. Link is posted to the Google Doc that we are working on. It is a work in progress, and please add your ideas. Jasmine posted ideas to start the document
b. What about the verifying questions to be used? At the very least, we need to ask for a legal name while used at IMSA and their years of attendance.
c. Who is welcome to join the IMSA Alumni Facebook page? There are certain people (e.g. Doc Nok) who have clear connections with IMSA Alumni and might be worth allowing access to the group. Is this something that we have the Facebook committee decide each meeting or what?
d. What is the purpose of the IMSA Alumni Facebook group? For Theresa, the purpose is for those who are affiliated to connect with each other.
e. (Cathe) Since last year, we have cleaned up the admins for the group. We have left the first two who founded the group as admins (as a courtesy to them for founding the group). If we are to remove them, then we should have a discussion with them. The rest of the old cabinet are still on as admins.
f. We really should have a discussion with Paul Strasma and Neal Groothuis to see their view on what we are planning on this group since they did start it. We might start off by asking if they still want to continue as admins.
g. Plan moving forward: By Wednesday 14 March 2018, please look at the Google Doc and add your ideas about purpose and code of conduct. After we get these down, somebody from IAA Cabinet will contact the creators and let them know what we have worked on. In the meantime, we will remove all previous cabinet members (except for Melvin Bacani) as admins from the group.
VIII. Reunion Weekend Committee (Czynski)
a. No major updates to provide at this point in time.
b. We need to identify people from classes of ’98, ’03, ’08, ’13 as reunion coordinators. Have names submitted to Mark by Friday 9 March 2018 so we may choose people by Friday 16 March 2018.
IX. Bylaws Committee (Cudiamat)
a. We have found some of the bylaws on our shared Google Drive to prepare documentation for becoming a non-profit.
b. Since we’re not in a rush to become a non-profit, this has become a lower priority. After we have settled reunion matters, we will return to this then.
Other Business
X. Old Business – none
XI. New Business
a. Can we move this call to Google Hangouts? The limit for participants should be 25, so this should be possible. Officers will attempt a Hangout for the next officers meeting. Stephen will set up an invitation/calendar event for
b. (Paige) With a lot of alumni coming to Admissions Review, should we organize some sort of event? At least Stephen and Carlo will be there. Cathe will look up participants and get numbers that we can talk about.
XII. Announcements – none
XIII. Adjournment – Stephen motions, Karin seconds. All ayes, no nays. Meeting adjourned at 8:53 PM