Cabinet Meeting
January 22, 2018, 8:00pm
Conference Call
In attendance: Cathe Stieg (IMSA Alumni Relations), Brian Cudiamat (President), Matt Isoda (Vice President) Stephen Paige (Treasurer), Carlo Ordoñez (Secretary), Leyonna Barba, Mark Czynski, Christina Fabian, Theresa Geiger (excused), Karin Han, Aditya Karan, Jasmine Kwasa, Zouyan Lu, Allison Rodriguez, Sarah Song
I. Call to Order, Roll Call (8:01 PM)
II. Secretary's Reports/Remarks (Ordonez)
a. Approval of Minutes from November 4, 2017 (after making necessary corrections): Zouyan moves to approve the 4th, Matt seconds. All ayes, no nays, no abstentions
b. Approval of Minutes from November 27, 2017 (after making necessary corrections): Matt moves to approve minutes, Zouyan seconds. All ayes, no nays, no abstentions.
III. President's Report/Remarks (Cudiamat)
a. IMSA Trustees Meeting, January 17, 2018
i. Donation to IMSA "competition" between boards.
Who can get 100% participation in giving to IMSA first? Trying to get who has donated to IMSA this current fiscal year. (Buy a Bus does count)
ii. Board Policy on Equity and Excellence
At our November 4th meeting, Dr. Torres indicated a desire to advance this at IMSA, but wanted it to become an official policy that comes from the Board. A draft of this policy is attached for your reference, as it was discussed at the IMSA Board Meeting. No action is required on our part. A future version of this policy is expected to be approved at a future IMSA Board Meeting.
Torres would be interested in hearing thoughts as well.
iii. "The Biology Pilot" (SI Bio / Advanced Biological Systems)
The former introductory course to biology is one semester of SI Biology sophomore year. Half are doing this, whereas the other half will have no biology sophomore year and a full year of Advanced Biological Systems junior year.
The impetus for this is a large of number of incoming students have had biology before they arrive and don’t take electives after the initial requirement is met. This hopefully encourages them to try harder electives later.
This pilot will run for two years.
iv. Dr. Torres's Proposal for IMSA Financial Sustainability
Presented a 2020 to 2030 plan for IMSA. Focus on at securing funding, outside the state of IL. Ideas for a large res hall to the west of the main building, a research campus south of No Pond.
b. Meetings with other IMSA/Fund staff: Met with other people while there for the meeting for networking purposes.
IV. Vice President's Reports/Remarks (Isoda)
Before the end of the year, reached out to create a 4-person election board for the 2018 IAA election following bylaws.
V. Treasurer's Report/Remarks (Paige)
Everything still stands where it was from last meeting. Main change is from last meeting, there was an Intersession lunch, we spent $500 of our $1000 budget. We’ll need to allocate those funds to something else.
We’re $1800 under what we’re budgeted for the YTD. Call to Cathe to see if there’s something else to do.
VI. Liason Report (Stieg)
Three CCC forums planned with the first on February 1st on Finance with four panelists. February 22nd is on Social Justice, need to reach out to some alumni. Last is March 8th on Women in STEM.
There’s a talk of doing a panel for classes 2012-2015 in May.
IMSA is closed until Monday.
Survey from Robert Chang ’89 going out, so Cathe can have a broader alumni base for whatever requests might come her way.
Podcasts may end up launching after ISSF with things going the way they have.
VII. Old Business Not Already On Agenda : none
VIII. Appoint Chairperson of Election Committee (Isoda)
January 29 is the official deadline by which the Cabinet must appoint a chairperson. Within one month of appointment, the Cabinet must approve Election Committee composition. (Election bylaws 2.02, 2.03)
a. Vote to allow approval of Election Committee by IAA Cabinet by email vote during week of February 11, 2018
Motion by Matt Mitch Bieniek to be Chairperson, seconded by Stephen. All ayes, no nays, no abstentions.
We have three Therese 2015, Lynn Peng 2002, Matt Isoda 2002. Stephen moves to approve these people on the election committee. Carlo seconds. All ayes, no nays, no abstentions.
IX. IMSA Alumni Facebook Group
a. Group Administrators/Moderators: Christina, Sarah, and Theresa are interested in this committee with Cathe and Brian. (This will not necessarily be the admins/moderators of the Facebook group but will be a committee to think about these guidelines.) We’ll reach out to Theresa to see if she might want to chair this group.
b. Community Guidelines
c. 3 "Challenge" Questions (we're allowed to ask members of people requesting to join)
An easier way to verify that requesters actually were people from IMSA and not spammers.
d. Form committee to work on these and present ideas at February meeting
X. Reunion Weekend (July 21, 2018)
(We must move forward in some way, as Claire Wang '93 would like to move forward with plans. A united location and any plan would affect all milestone classes.)
a. Form committee to work with Claire in moving forward with plan and update status at February meeting
No expectation to show up for Reunion Weekend as part of IAA, but it might be a nice idea to show up for the IAA meeting. Stephen, Mark (chair), Brian, Carlo, Cathe.
XI. New Bylaws and Organization Status
a. 501(c)3 and/or officially legally separate entity from IMSA/IMSA Fund
The suggestion from Barbara in Advancement is that we should do this and get $10k at the start of each year. IAA would present the budget to Advancement as a prerequisite to receiving a stipend.
b. New Bylaws likely required as well as attention to some other logistical details
i. $50-100 would be spent yearly to maintain with the IL Secretary of State
ii. Bylaw updates would most likely include: quorum provision for cabinet, spending authority guidelines, clear order of succession with more officer details
iii. While we could fundraise for ourselves, we would not want to be competing with IMSA Advancement or other parts of the institution for funds.
iv. In theory, this will simplify payments between IAA and parts of IMSA internally (Sodexo, Advancement, etc.)
v. Depending on timeliness required to implement any changes, it might be necessary to call a special meeting, which requires four weeks notice to all IAA Members
c. Form committee to modify or construct new bylaws and update cabinet at February meeting
i. Historically, things for reunion have gone through the IMSA Fund. If we did this, then IAA would all be reunion stuff; reunion weekend is intended to be zero-profit endeavor.
Matt motions to form a 501(c)(3)
Brian suspends that motion for an week for time to discuss on the IAA Cabinet group so we can move forward. Send e-mails to Stephen if there are issues.
ii. Bylaws committee members: Matt, Brian (chair), Stephen, Zouyan,
d. Question from Matt: Should we create bylaws for the 501©3 in addition to the current Constitution for merging at the 2018 meeting?
i. May want to set a maximum of At-Large members to limit growth
ii. This not preclude members from helping the IAA board separately.
XII. Announcements and New Business
(Class of ’98 running for Cook County Judge)
IMSA Alum ’98 is having their film debut in Chicago (?)
Jasmine wants to establish an ad hoc committee on racial/minority matters and get non-IAA people to be involved.
From Brian: we can get anybody involved that we want to help. Let’s encourage that! Whenever we get our website in order, we can possibly put these committees on our website.
XIII. Adjournment : Stephen motions for adjournment, Carlo seconds. All for, no nays, no against. 9:13 PM