Proposed Changes to Election Bylaws


Annual Meeting

July 21, 2018, 12:30pm

Academic Pit, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

Aurora, Illinois


2018 Proposed Changes to Election Bylaws:

(deletions are struck through. additions are in bold.)

Section 4.06

Newly elected officers and cabinet members shall begin their terms at the conclusion of noon on the 31st day of August following the Annual Meeting.

Rationale: Terms of Elected At-Large Members were never explicitly stated to be timed a certain way. Matches proposed timing of Officer terms.

Section 5.02

The number of At-Large Members elected to the Alumni Cabinet shall be up to 1/2 of the number of classes which have graduated from the Academy in the year of the election. In years in which there are an odd number of classes which have graduated from the Academy, the number of At-Large representatives elected shall be up to 1/2 of the number of classes plus one eleven.

Rationale: Prevents Cabinet from continually growing.

Section 5.03

In odd-numbered years, the Association President and Secretary shall be elected. In even-numbered years, the Vice President and Treasurer shall be elected. In 2019, the Vice President and Treasurer shall also be elected, each to terms of one year.

Rationale: Staggers officer terms for better continuity. A vacant Presidency following an election should have a de facto replacement in a non-exiting Vice President.